mindful movement
Learning mindfulness through gentle movement
Through gently moving the body we combine mindfulness teachings with specially formulated movements making mindfulness practice truly accessible for more people

These classes are perfect for anyone wishing to practice mindfulness with alternatives to sitting meditations. Comprising breathwork with ACT mindfulness & gentle movements based on Shibashi, a meditative form of Qigong and specifically designed by a specialist in ACT & a martial arts Grand Master for this class, we release tension in the body and clear the mind. This evidence-based form of exercise improves physical and emotional well-being and is suitable for anyone as the movements can be performed standing or sitting and are designed to accommodate all levels of physical ability.
Why join a Mindful Movement class?
It’s an enjoyable way to meditate through movement
Movement has always been an integral part of mindfulness practice
Extensive studies show that mindful movement improves the mind-body connection
This evidence-based form of exercise has been developed by experts in ACT & Qigong
You will benefit from a combination of decades of scientific research into both ACT and Shibashi
Both disciplines have developed from much older, tried and tested methods of well-being
You will build strength in your body and calmness in your mind
It is easily accessible to everyone, regardless of age or ability
You will learn ways to regulate your nervous system, develop psychological resilience and bring physical and emotional balance to your daily life.
Some Testimonials:
"Mindful movement has been beneficial in so many ways...helping me to move forward and be more flexible physically & mentally."
"Very relaxing & mindful."
"Very interesting combination of mindfulness & movement...glad I joined the class."
"Thank you! I have found (it) very useful in calming the mind and giving me the skills to practice at home. So glad I came!"
"...extremely helpful for my mental health and well-being...looking forward to future sessions."
Read my BLOG to find out more about why Mindful Movement will benefit you!
Where can I find a class?
Regular classes are held in the Llantwit Major, Cowbridge and Barry area with workshops and retreats held around the UK when possible. See the Times and Venues page for more details.
Classes are suitable for all abilities and are held weekly term time. Friday morning classes are 90 minute Movement & Meditation classes combining evidence based practices from ACT & MBSR Mindfulness with Tai Chi Shibashi.
Evening classes (resuming in the Autumn) are 60 minute Shibashi classes. All classes have options for standing and sitting practices as each participant is encouraged to work at their own pace.
These are held regularly on Sunday mornings at Health Conscious, Llantwit Major from 10am - 1pm
See here for more information.